Completed Projects

These represent our completed wells. However, we never regard a project ever to be fully completed. Maintenance issues and disputes political in nature represent the biggest threat to the sustainability of a well. Our team regularly visits completed wells to check in on their actual functionality and use.


Well type: New construction

Date: December 2020

Cost: $3542

Current status: Pending


Well type: New construction

Date: December 2020

Cost: $3856

Current status: In use


Well type: New construction

Date: October 2020

Cost: $3840

Current status: In use



Well type: New construction

Date: Feb 2020

Cost: $4,700

Current status: Generator under repair


Well type: New construction

Date: March 2021

Cost: $4,000

Current status: In use

WhatsApp Image 2020-05-01 at 8.25.18 AM.jpeg

Larabanga 2

Well type: Repair; switch from defunct solar to electric pump

Date: March 2020

Cost: $3,200

Current status: Functional, but blocked by local authorities. We are working on finding solutions to open fully to the community.


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